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Third Project: Mission Mode

In this project you will utilize the skills you previously learned to complete a more independent drone mission.



1.) Create a new file and name it (Don’t forget the .py)

2.) At the top of the file, type import asyncio and below it from mavsdk import System

3.) Make an asynchronous function called “run()”

4.) To connect to the simulator drone, paste this code in the run() function you just created

    drone = System()                                    ## Creates a new system object named drone that can be used later when  
                                                        ## calling any type of system methods
    await drone.connect(system_address="udp://:14540")  ## The connect function is used to connect the physical drone and the simulated drone. 
                                                        ## The system address parameter can be changed to connect to either the real drone, or the simulator drone.

    status_text_task = asyncio.ensure_future(print_status_text(drone))

    print("Waiting for drone to connect...")
    async for state in drone.core.connection_state():   ## Loops over the connection state function to check if drone is properly connected to the given system address
        if state.is_connected:                          ## Prints the following statement if properly connected
            print(f"-- Connected to drone!")

5.) A mission plan is comprised of mission items. Mission item parameters are as follows:

MissionItem (Latitude, Longitude, Relative Altitude, Speed, Flythrough Boolean)

Here’s a filled out example, all of the empty parameters are for camera controls

mission_items = []
    mission_items.append(MissionItem(47.398039859999997, 8.5455725400000002, 25, 10, True, float('nan'), float('nan'), MissionItem.CameraAction.NONE, float('nan'), float('nan'),  float('nan'), float('nan'), float('nan')))

Utilizing the format above, create two more MissionItem objects using the below coordinates and compile them into a MissionPlan object: mission_plan = MissionPlan(mission_items)

   (37.94852048112047, -91.78427643078165)
   (37.94852048108085, -91.78427643078165)
   (37.94852048104123, -91.78427643078165)

await drone.mission.set_return_to_launch_after_mission(True)
await drone.mission.upload_mission(mission_plan)
await drone.action.arm()
await drone.mission.start_mission()

6.) Create a main function to run the code

if __name__ == "__main__":

QGroundControl and JMAVSIM